Nye billeder

Digital maling

Jeg er begyndt at lege med digital maling – jeg bruger programmet Krita, som er virkelig godt og kan mange ting. Kombineret med min tegneplade føles det næsten som at tegne / male rigtigt (bortset fra at det griser meget mindre). Her er et af mine første billeder – af en sur zebra.

I realize that I have many viewers from other contries than Denmark, so in the future, I will try to add my text in both danish and english.

I have started playing with digital art / digital painting in the program Krita. Combined with my graphic pad, it is almost as good as drawing / painting for real (only that it is not as messy!). This is one of my first images – of an angry zebra.

Zebra digital art Ann-Louise Bergström

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